Workshop com Prof. Dr. Jackie Pocklington

Sexta-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2016

A Unidade Leopoldina do CEFET-MG estará recebendo o Prof. Dr. Jackie Pocklington entre os dias 05 e 09 de dezembro. de 2016.

O Prof. Jackie Pocklington é Ph.D. em Linguística Aplicada (Universidade de Saarland), B. A. em Matemática (Occidental College, em Los Angeles), Professor de Negócios e Inglês Técnico (Universidade Beuth de Ciências Aplicadas de Berlim) e co-autor de “Aplicar em Inglês” (2004, 2007, 2010).

Poderão participar do treinamento os servidores da Unidade Leopoldina, além de professores convidados. A inscrição para o Workshop deve ser confirmada com o Prof. Lindolpho, até o dia 30 de novembro de 2016. O treinamento acontecerá na língua inglesa.

A seguir a programação do Workshop.



Giving Effective Presentations Workshop                             Jackie Pocklington, Ph.D.

Professor of Business and Technical English – Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin

Preparation reading texts in advance:

Sessions 1 and 2 on Monday, Dec. 5th – Two 3-hour sessions of the workshop (scheduled in the morning and afternoon with a break for lunch – 9-12 and 2-5) explaining and practicing effective presentation skills based on a Presentation -Practice Worksheet.

Prior to the Session 3 on Thursday, participants should select a presentation topic that they are already familiar with for a ten-minute presentation in order that they do not worry about remembering the content. Their focus in this course should be entirely on learning effective presentation skills that apply to all presentations. The presentation should be brief, in order for participants to focus on learning the skills. In Session 3 we will only practice the introduction section, transitions and the conclusion section; in other words we focus on the 9 sections we will have already practiced in the Presentation-Practice Worksheet. We will not focus on the content of participants’ presentation in this Session 3 practice. Note: Notes will not be allowed. Participants will be expected to speak freely based on the key-word topics provided in their transparencies.

Create transparencies in advance and send them to Prof. for preliminary feedback (best not late the night before the presentation):

Session 3 on Thursday, Dec. 8th – Individual training groups of 3 participants each in two-hour blocks at times determined together in Session 2. As each training session will be videotaped, please bring along an empty memory card to put in the camera (which I will take with me) and return to you.

Session 4 on Friday, Dec. 9th – The Finale: Giving the final videotaped version of the ten-minute presentation (groups of 5). Again please bring along an empty memory card to put in the camera.